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Turf and Landscape

Perfect Blend a breakthrough concept in
soil fertility. We believe it is just good science.
Somewhere between the latest advancement in science, the practical realities of budgets, and the running of a high quality turf program that your players believe is absolutely flawless is a fertilizer that everybody will believe is just about perfect.
Advanced Technology – Odor Neutralized Complex Nutrition Enabling Fertilizer™ homogenous formulation fuels the powerful microbial soil engines that increase turf nutrition in both warm weather and cool season grasses. Slow Tea Release – Builds condensed high nutrient fulvic and humic acids in soils that will provide long term slow nutrition for turf.
Increased Concentrated Soil Organic Acids – Will sustain grasses through drought, assist turf in resisting freezing & drought conditions while greening up a course faster after a hard freeze.
Perfect Blend Fortified Fertilizers – Made with stabilized slow release hydrolyzed urea that slowly meters nitrogen into the soil - this allows full utilization of an organic base. Formed – Not Blended – Uniform Granulation Process means each granule is a complete homogenous blend of Complex Nutrition Enabling Fertilizer™
Environmentally Safe – Very Low Leach; Will not over-nutrient ponds, creeks, or lakes. Allows a reduction in waterway algae treatments. Meets EPA standards for low leach products.
Complete Secondary and Trace Mineral Formulation – High calcium, balanced sulfur and complete trace mineral formulations.
Description of Perfect Blend's Products
Biotic Organic 4-4-4SGN 100 /150 -Turf Balanced Granulation, 100% Organic Balanced 15 Nutrient Complex Nutrition Fertilizer that is pH balanced in a homogenous prill with natural slow release. 4-4-4 provides a complete nutrient package to stimulate the microbial activity in the soil, it increases vigor to plant materials as well as increased water efficiency.
Biotic 8-4-5 SGN 100 /150 -Turf Balanced Granulation Organic Base and Stabilized; Slow Release; Hydrolyzed Urea Balanced 15 Nutrient Complex Nutrition slow release base.
Biotic 10-3-7 SGN 100/ 150 - Balanced Granulation Organic Base and Stabilized; Slow Release; Hydrolyzed Urea Balanced 15 Nutrient Complex Nutrition slow release base
Biotic 16-3-7 SGN 150 -Fortified Balanced Granulation Organic Base and Stabilized; Slow Release; Hydrolyzed Urea Balanced 15 Nutrient Complex Nutrition slow release base.
Biotic Calcium – 2.5.-2.5.-1.5 – Revolutionary combination of the 4-4-4 PBO product along with a high quality gypsum source to provide you with all the benefits of our pH balanced , homogenus , chelated micro nutrient and Mychorihizae fertilizer with a calcium source to provide additional soil conditioning.
Coeur d'Alene Resort Golf Course was elected as a Gold Medal Resort by Golf Magazine in 2008 as one of only 25 resorts to receive this distinguished honor. Also, they received a 5-Star designation from Golf Digest – one of only 16 out of 6,200 courses rated to receive the top designation.
"We have used Perfect Blend the past two years, their product line has become the cornerstone of our fertility program."
Kevin Hicks, Superintendent
Coeur d'Alene Resort Golf Course